
Friday, 30 November 2012



Gandhi World Foundation is a Non – Political, Non Profitable Charitable and Social Service Organisation. It is a duly registered Trust formed with the main object of spreading the teachings and messages of Mahatma Gandhiji among the younger generation. A wide range of Mahatma Gandhiji’s collection of stamps, coins, currencies, postal covers, special covers, tokens and telephone cards issued by many countries in the world are in the possession of our Trustee, ML.Rajesh. He also possess many rare photos of Mahatma Gandhiji, Newspapers published by Mahatma Gandhiji, Manuscripts and various information about Mahatma Gandhiji (which is unheard to many persons) and all these Memorabilia items are available in this Portal. We believe that the younger generation will have more inclination towards Gandhiji’s teachings and their respect and regard for Gandhiji will grow manifold times after going through this Portal since he is the only tall leader in this entire world for whom more than 120 Countries have issued Stamps, coins and whose statues have been erected in more than 70 Countries.


(a)    To spread the message and teachings of Mahatma Gandhiji, the father of the nation by Publishing Books, Short Stories, Comics and CD’s (Audio and Video) about Mahatma Gandhiji so as to inculcate good manners, respect, peace, harmony, values, culture and ethics to young children and youth so as to ensure that they become good citizens of our nation in future and also to educate them on the evil effects of alcoholism, smoking, usage of tobacco products etc

(b)   To exhibit to children and youth various stamps, coins, postal covers, currency notes, photographs, letters, manuscripts, journals etc on Mahatma Gandhiji

(c)    To Purchase Gandhiji Memorabilla items like Stamps, Coins, Postal Covers, Photos, Manuscipts etc issued by any Country or Individual either in India or from outside India by paying consideration in foreign currency (if required).

(d)   To encourage all kind of Sports activities in Villages, Towns and Cities so as to bring out the hidden talent of young boys and girls and young men and women and in this connection establish, manage and administer a Sports Academy for development of any kind of Sports and purchase Sports equipments.

(e)    To provide Soft Skills Training for rural and urban youth so as to improve their communication skills, attitude skills, aptitude skills etc so as to ensure that they get good placements and in this connection jointly work with any other Trust or NGO’s or Individual Trainers.

(f)    To render all possible help and financial assistance for handicapped Children and buying hearing aids, wheelchairs, brailey books & CD’s and Screen Reading Softwares for Visually Impaired Children.

(g)   To donate notebooks, T-Shirts, bags, uniforms, shoes and stationery items to poor children and to sponser the education of students and youth who have excelled in academics.

(h)   To honour (by distributing medals and gifts) to good performing sportspersons and Children who have excelled in academics and extra curricular activities so as to encourage them to perform better

(i)     To honour eminent persons and prominent social workers in the society

(j)     To Conduct Painting, Drawing, Speech Competitions, Quiz and Educative Programmes to spread the teachings of Mahatma Gandhiji

(k)   To Promote the usage of Khadi among Children and youth.

(l)     To acquire Copyright in Publishing any books or Short Stories, Comics and CD’s (Audio and Video) about Mahatma Gandhiji.

(m) To Promote yoga, meditation and personal hygiene among Children and youth

(n)   To create awareness among the children and youth for the protection of environment, natural resources afforestation, ground water replenishments, rain water harvesting, Tree Plantation and also to educate them on the traffic rules and regulations and in this connection organize lectures, seminars etc

(o)   To help the unemployed youths in all possible ways by giving training programmes like Tailoring, Carpentery, Welding, Wiring in order to make them self reliant and self – supportive.

(p)   To provide Computer training courses for physically challenged persons and also for youth.

(q)   To conduct poor feeding and to give food, clothing and cash grants to the poor, widows and afford relief to people in distress and affected by earthquake, flood, Tsunami, Fire, Famine and other causes and to grant donations for the support of the inmates of the orphanages, rescues houses and similar institutions and societies.

(r)      To register blood doners and organize blood donation camps, eye camps, medical aid and conduct general health check camps for the benefit of poor and needy sections of the society.

(s)    To make use of audio-visual aids and Trainers to support literacy and training activities.

(t)     To Work for the eradication of illiteracy among the rural, urban and slum dwellers especially among the poor and downtrodden sections of the society.

(u)   To Co-operate with local bodies, Panchayat Union, Municipalities, Corporations, Private Schools & Colleges, NGO’s, State and Central Governments (incl Various Departments) for the purpose of achieving the objects of the Trust






Reg Office:

Old No.1/96, New No.1/64, Bazaar Street, New Gummudipoondi, Gummudipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur District – 601 201.Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.  Ph: 9444019030. E-mail:,
Branch Office:
 No.219, Sree Visalam Buildings, 3rd Floor, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.


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